place planning

decoding the process,
getting it built

about place planning

Place Planning is the land use and development consultancy practice of Corey W. O’Gorman, AICP.  Mr. O’Gorman is a seasoned professional with nearly forty (40) years of experience working in both the public and private sectors.  Place Planning was established in 2006 and has provided a wide range of services to public, private and not-for-profit clients ranging from initial due diligence to project construction and occupancy with those services customized to meet the needs of the project and the client.  Mr. O’Gorman has extensive experience working on affordable housing projects and in community redevelopment areas (CRA’s).


accolades & recognition

2017 Lake Worth Historic Preservation Board Award -

Home at “J” Street

2016 Florida Trust for Historic Preservation Award -

Home at “J” Street

2012 Florida Redevelopment Association -
Outstanding Affordable Housing Project

NSP-2 Program

2009 Outstanding Affordable Housing Project -
Florida Redevelopment Association 

Wiley Apartments

start your project